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All your restoration needs for the M38A1 can be found right here...
From the links on this page you will find information on:
- All the Manuals required to restore and maintain the M38A1 1/4 ton vehicle. These are 'must have' books if you own an M38A1.
- Want to know capacities etc? Check the Tabulated Data.
- What the proper Color and Markings are when it comes time to paint.
- Gun mounting and configurations.
- Radio mounting and configurations.
- Invaluable little Tips and Tricks for restoring learned along the way.
- Parts suppliers who have virtually every part you will need to maintain or restore your vehicle. I recommend these people 100% as being 'good-guys' to deal with. I used them in my restoration.
- Actual Project Time to complete various restoration activities. A detailed project time log was kept and provided to you for reference. It's pretty much based on an average mechanical ability, standard tools and a desire to work on an M38A1!
- Actual Project Expenses for this restoration. This will give you a pretty good idea of what to expect for costs in major component areas.
- A series of "Before" Pictures to document the jeep prior to the restoration
- A series of "During Restoration Pictures" as it went back together. This is a good reference if you want to know what something looks like (or is supposed to look like)
- A LOT of people ask me "What is my M38A1 worth"? Use this to determine pricing based on condition
- FAQ's page is under construction at this time....
