A nice aspect to keep in the back of your mind as you view the pictures is to get a feeling for what can be done with the vehicles. I have been involved in many different activities ranging from car shows to public service announcements. I have brought the jeep to many air-shows in addition to other items of public interest. By far, the most activity with the jeep has been in parades. It is interesting to note that nobody in our club has yet to pay an admission to any event. Therefore, to coin a phrase "...membership does have it's privileges..." Some of the events I've been on my restored bicycle. Those events are noted with (bike). Of SIGNIFICANT note is the fact that the quality and quantity of pictures has increased over the years. So don't just look at some of the early events and bail based on technology at that time. It's been over 12 years now of moving from film to digital and varying degrees of digital. :-)
Click on the YEAR button to the left OR the Event Year in the tables below...