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| | I thought it would be fun to have a section of historical pictures of
M38A1's. With that in mind, I've been able to secure permission from
various people or entities to present these. If you have an M38A1 picture
and would like it here, let me know. I'd be happy to post it with proper
approval and photo credit! Contact me at willys_m38a1@yahoo.com.
Some pictures have been placed here for tentative use pending
permission. They are placed here so the owner may view the environment
they are in and make a determination based on what it will look like and how it
will be used.
To assist in reducing download time, Thumbnail pictures are below - simply
click on the picture to see an enlarged version. To return to this page,
use your Browsers BACK button.
![Bridge[1].jpg (63097 bytes)](../thumbs/Bridge1_small.jpg) |
Photo Credit: www.film.queensu.ca/cj3b/vietnam.html
(public archives photo submitted by Morihisa Ochi)
Note the lone CJ3B sandwiched between the two M38A1s...
Thanks to
Michel Giroux of Quebec to point out it was not an M38 as I had originally
specified and even more thanks to Derek Redmond for pointing out it's a
Photo Credit: http://home.off-road.com/~merls_garage (used
with permission)
(National Archive Picture via Merl's Garage)
Note the driving rain storm going on in this 1963 dated picture. The
lead M38A1 is followed by a second M38A1 and then a M151. And yes,
that is President Johnson riding in the M38A1! |