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Event: Muster Day
Date: 2/3-Nov-02
Location: Camp Mabry, Austin Texas
Description: Enough rain.  Period. End of story.  We are tired of it.

The club had a fantastic showing for such poor weather this year.  Competing with attendance was the opening day of deer season as well.  However, we managed to have 9 vehicles present on Saturday including John K and his MB, Barry F and his CCKW, Tim W and his MB, Jeff McD and his MB, Herb T and his GPW, Glen V and his CJ2A, me with my M38A1, Danny K and his M151A2/M416 and John S and his M35A2.  Also in attendance were Claude V, Ward B, Fred H, Don C driving a tank retriever museum vehicle and Web S driving a half-track museum vehicle.

Our club had a significant number of vehicles present and we were all dressed in period correct uniforms to match the vehicle displays.  About 11:15am, we mustered to the North end of the parade field to stage for the Parade of Armor.  At noon, and in a light rain, the parade began and the vehicles stayed on the paved road instead of moving through the field.  There were a few spectators for the parade which were well appreciated due to the weather.  After the parade, we staged our vehicles back in their respective areas and headed to the food tents for lunch.

By now, the rain had become steady and the spectators dispersed with only a few here and there.  By mid-afternoon, Herb and I decided to head home since we drove to the event so we headed down MOPAC without incident.  Danny stayed around for a bit then loaded his vehicle and headed home in the rain.  As there were very few spectators to the event, the remaining members of the club also departed.

Fred F arrived with his GPW and had a great time driving around the parade field with his jeep playing musical battle tunes.  Barry F and John K remained with their vehicles as did Jeff McD and Tim W.  Danny and Herb came back sans vehicles to hang out with the rest of the club for the event.  About  mid-afternoon, everyone broke camp, loaded up and headed home.

To assist in reducing download time, Thumbnail pictures are below - simply click on the picture to see an enlarged version.  To return to this page, use your Browsers BACK button.

02_mustc.JPG (40465 bytes) Danny and his M151/M416
02_mustd.JPG (37999 bytes) My M38A1
02_muste.JPG (34172 bytes) Tim's MB
02_mustf.JPG (42795 bytes) Working on Herb's starter problem (GPW)
02_mustg.JPG (41168 bytes) Glen's CJ2A
02_musti.JPG (34200 bytes) Barry's 1 1/2 Ton Chevrolet
02_mustk.JPG (4616 bytes) Jeff's MB
02_musto.JPG (37075 bytes) Nice looking NAVY jeep
02_mustu.JPG (30147 bytes) The club lineup of vehicles


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