Event: Veterans Day Parade
Date: 11-Nov-2000
Location: Austin Texas
Description: Well, it's that time again for the annual Veterans Day
Parade up Congress Ave! Boy did we have a LOT of vehicles and
support this year. As in years past, the club has driven the parade
route as a single group for maximum exposure. This year, the club
decided to break up the vehicles into smaller groups to help various
veterans organizations transport those who had difficulty walking the
route. In all, we had 8 vehicles with a few 1/4 ton trailers
attached as well.
One of the highlights was the Parade Marshall was in a club members
vehicle (John K and his MB) and Kesha Stidham, a survivor of the US COLE
attack was in the second vehicle of the parade (driven by club member Hugh
D and his M38) To assist in reducing download time, Thumbnail pictures are below - simply
click on the picture to see an enlarged version. To return to this page,
use your Browsers BACK button.
Here, one of our club members
(Toby) looking 'dapper in his Cpt. uniform... |
Here is my dad and others in my
M38A1 just prior to the start of the parade. |