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Event: Wimberley Club Trail Ride/Convoy
Date: 23-Sep-2000
Location: Wimberley Texas
Description: This was an excellent event for our club. One of
our members is post-president of the Wimberley VFW. Wimberley is about 20
miles South and West of Austin. He mapped out a 50+/- mile route around
Wimberley on the back country, less traveled roads. We all met at the VFW
and then headed out for the drive. It was an opportunity to check-out my
NOS speedometer I had just installed. It tracked to the 1/10th of a mile
to the GPS I had with me. After the drive, we had lunch at the local Dairy
Queen. One of our San Antonio members missed us on the departure but met
us for lunch. After we ate, we went back to the VFW and conducted our
regular monthly meeting at that site. Well worth the time and effort for
this event. And the jeep ran perfectly.
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Here's the M38A1, Barry and myself
on a great back-country Texas road! :-) |
Here's the line up of the vehicles
that participated. A M151A2/M416, 2 M38A1s, an MB and a Type 82
Kubelwagon. |
Here is a M151A2 and 2 M38A1s |