What a blast!
The club tried something new this time. The monthly
meeting took on more of a 'social' atmosphere with a large number
of members and guests showing up at Danny's place, aka:
Kaiserville in Austin.
About 11:00am or so, people starting arriving with vehicles and
show&tell items. I drove my M38A1 over and Toby drove
his M170. I also pulled out my 1939 Colson bicycle from the
barn to display. Danny pulled out his M151A2/M416 and his
CJ7/M614 combo. Fred H had his CJ2A on-site as well.
Also in attendance were dad, Danny's wife, Herb T, Jim H, Glen
V, Don and Carol Ling, Tim W, Jeni L, Barry F, John A and his
wife, Jim W from San Antonio and Claude V. Herb brought
along a lot of his radio gear and Toby brought along items for
sale as well.
Great discussions were held in the field regarding many topics
including the M614 trailer Danny has acquired. We all
believed he was 'mistaken' about it's identification and it was an
M416. However, after Danny produced the M614 dataplate, we
all stood there amazed and dumbfounded.
After a great lunch of sausages and beverage, Tim conducted the
monthly meeting in near-record time. After the meeting,
several members departed but most stayed around to converse and
consume beverage of choice. A bit later on, Glen and Herb
and I broke out the chop-saw, plate steel, welding unit and
grinders to fabricate a radio bracket for Herb's GPW.
About 4:30pm or so, most everyone had departed. A good
time - you bet!