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Event: San Marcos Air Show
Date: 26/26-Sep-1999
Location: Gary Field, San Marcos Texas
Description: This was my first time to bring the jeep to this air show
put on by the Ghost Squadron of the Confederate Air Force (CAF). It's a
two-day event with a lot of aircraft from all periods that attend. In
addition, our local club provides a significant number of vehicles, displays and
support for this show.
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Me and the jeep. I'm dressed in 'drag' as we call
it consisting of correct Korean period pattern shirt, pants and
cap. The shoulder harness and web belt are '42-'44 pattern dated
items. For these shows, we try to be as authentic as possible. |
One of my favorite pictures. This was my complete
display for the two-day air-show. I brought out the two
half-shelters and built a tent. In addition, I created a simulated
machine gun nest with all the goodies. This was a pretty good
display and took a lot of time to set-up. It was however, well
worth the time as I received many compliments. |
Another shot of the simulated machine gun nest... |
Some of the other club members vehicles present included
a Dodge WC51 ambulance, a Dodge WC??, a '42 MB and the half-track.
These vehicles were set-up in the WWII section of the display for the
show. Each participated in the Tora Tora Tora re-enactment each
day of the show. |