| | There have been many
iterations of the 1/4 ton jeep over the years. The following is a
chronological history of the 1/4 ton development program.
Another version of this material can be seen at: http://www.film.queensu.ca/CJ3B/Poster.html
There are
some slight differences between publications on production figures so if you are
serious about 100% accuracy, check the other sources including the link above as well.
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Bantam Pilot (BRC-60)
Years Produced: 1940
No of Units: 70
Using the term that has become generic in the English language, this is
the undisputed first "Jeep". Built by the American Bantam
Car Company of Butler, PA, it was delivered to Camp Holabird, MD on
23-Sep-40. The first vehicle of a 70 vehicle contract, "Old
Number One' was tested thoroughly and then spent the rest of its short
life as a demo vehicle. It was wrecked in a traffic accident early
in 1941, sent back to Butler and disassembled. The mechanical pieces
were probably incorporated into the Bantam Mark IIs that were then in
production. Legend has it that the useable body sections were buried
along with a pile of scrap on the Bantam grounds (US Army) |
Willys Quad
Years Produced: 1940
No of Units: 2
Willys built two Quads in the competition for a large-scale contract and
this is the vehicle that won it. The Quad's major asset was its 60hp
"Go-Devil" engine that literally blew the doors off Bantam and
Ford (the other two contenders for the Army contract) The Quad,
however, was a heavyweight and had to go on a big-time diet to meet the
Army's requirements: when re-weighed, it was ounces inside of the 2,160
pound limit. Both Quads have since disappeared, but one lasted long
enough to be photographed in the early 1950s. If Bantam Number One
marked the beginning of the Jeep era, the Quad marked the beginning of
Willys dominance of the series (Jeep Public Relations) |
Ford Pygmy
Years Produced: 1940
No of Units: 2
The Pygmy was Ford's competitor in the contract race. Two were
built, one by Ford and the other by Budd. The Ford unit was accepted
for testing and was run alongside the Bantam and Willys units. The
Ford's overall layout was highly praised and became the pattern for the
later Willys MB. Like the Bantam, the Pygmy fell victim to the
Quad's more powerful engine. The vehicle in the picture is the
actual unit that was tested at Holabird in 1940. Owned by the
Alabama Center of Military History, the Ford is the only remaining
survivor of the fierce, three-way competition that marked the opening
chapter of the Jeep legend that survives to this day. (Alabama
Center for Military History - Reprinted with permission) |
Ford GP
Years Produced: 1941
No of Units: 3,700
A direct descendent of the Pygmy, the Ford GP was an undated model
produced under an initial contract for 1,500 vehicles from Ford, Willys
and Bantam. As Lend-Lease requirements increased and the Willys
design was finalized for mass production, more GPs were ordered, and Ford
ended up building 4,456 units, most of which went to Lend-Lease.
Contrary to popular belief, the GP did not stand for "General
Purpose". GP was a Ford engineering term, "G" for
Government contract vehicle and "P" for 80 inch wheelbase
Reconnaissance Car. Of the three early Jeep models, Ford has the
most remaining specimens: about 200 are known to remain including Steve
Greenberg's restored '41 to the left. (Steve Greenberg -
Reprinted with permission) |
Willys MA
Years Produced: 1941
No of Units: 1,553
Willys knew that the Army would want an improved model and started
development of the MA even as the Quad was being tested. In the
three-way deal, 1,500 MAs were ordered. The MA was definitely an
evolutionary vehicle. Very much different than the later MB, the MA
featured a column shift and a host of other detailed changes that put it
between the Quad and the MB. The basic drive-train was still the
Warner Gear and Spicer components of the Quad, Ford and Bantam. The
MA is the least common of the pre-production Willys, with only about 30
examples knows to exist of the 1,553 originally built; most were sent to
Russia under Lend-Lease. This MA belongs to the Alabama Center of
Military History. (Alabama Center of Military History - Reprinted
with permission) |
Bantam BRC
Years Produced: 1941
No of Units: 2,605
The BRC-40 was the final evolution of the Bantam design. The Army
initially contracted for 1,500 units, but 2,605 were eventually
assembled. Bantam ceased motor vehicle production after the last was
built in December of 1941 and carried on building trailers, torpedo motors
and landing gear. The BRC-40 had many fine features and was well
liked by the Allied forces that used it; it's light weight and nimble
handling was particularly noteworthy. At least 100 BRC-40s have
survived the years, making them the second most common of the
pre-production 1/4 tons. This restored BRC-40 belongs to Steve
Greenberg of Portland, OR (Steve Greenberg - Reprinted with
permission) |
Willys MB Slat Grill
Years Produced:
No of Units: 25,808
The first 25,808 Willys MBs used a welded steel grille very similar to the
Ford GP design, and there were a host of other differences from the later
Willys. These early MBs had "Willys" embossed in the back
panel. In production, the slat grills were given running changes
until they finally evolved into the standard 'stamped-grille' MB we know
and love. The slat grills are an uncommon find these days; some
sources say that fewer than 25 survive. Owner Reg Hodgson of
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada is the Editor of Army Motors , the
official magazine of the Military Vehicle Preservation Association (Reg
Hodgson - Reprinted with permission) |
Willys MB
Years Produced: Late 1941-Mid 1945
No of Units: 335,531
The hero of World War II. Willys produced 335,531 units and they
served in every theater of war, in every conceivable role and with every
Allied army. This vehicle changed the way Americans looked at the
automobile and added a new word to our vocabulary: Jeep. Early
versions had "Willys" embossed on the back panel, but the
military frowned on the free advertising and ordered the practice
stopped. MBs are plentiful, easily restored and a heck of a lot of
fun. This superbly restored 1944 MB belongs to Tony Standefer, of
Bothell, WA (Tony Standefer - Reprinted with permission) |
Ford GPW
Years Produced: Late 1941-Mid 1945
No of Units: 281,578
Willys recognized the fact early on that production capability was
limited to meet the contract numbers specified. So Willys
sub-contracted with Ford to build the MB under license agreement with Ford
Motor Co. These units built by Ford, known as the GPW for
Government, 80 inch wheelbase, were almost identical except for a few
distinct differences. First, most of the bolt heads included a
script "F". Secondly, the tailgate area was embossed with
Ford in script. These were the early models before the government
disallowed the practice of free advertising. This 1944 GPW (s/n
200493 11-May-44) is owned by
Herb Tate of Austin TX. (Herb
Tate - Reprinted with permission) |
Willys M38
Years Produced: 1950-1952 domestic use
No of Units: 45,473
A direct knockoff of the CJ-3A, the M38 was upgraded for GI use by a
stronger frame and suspension, a 24 volt electrical system, and
full-floating rear axle, in addition to a multitude of military
accoutrements. These rigs saw combat in Korea, but production was
low at 61,423 units. An export version was built from 1953 to 1955
for foreign military forces. The headlight guards, blackout lights, battery
panel on the cowl and tool notches on the body are the way to ID
them. Some were equipped with Ramsey winches. Reg Hodgson's
M38 (shown here) is decked out in Korean war vintage Canadian colors (Reg
Hodgson - Reprinted with permission)
Saad Qureshi adds: "...the rear axle on M38 is a
semi-floating type actually. However the front axle is full
floating. The rear axle on a MB was full floating"
Willys M38A1
Years Produced: 1952-1957
No of Units: 101,488 (80,290 domestic use / 21,198 foreign sales)
This was the first appearance of the 'round-fender' Jeep that would
eventually become the CJ5. The M38A1 was quite different that the
CJ5, having a stronger chassis and reversed front spring shackles, in
addition to the military accoutrements such as standardized GI instruments
and a 24 volt electrical system. The M38A1 lasted quite awhile in
military service. Even after it was replaced by the high-tech Ford
M151, they could be seen in OD green as late as the 1970s. In all,
101,488 units were produced, some of which went for export. This rig
is owned by George Baxter at Army Jeep Parts in Bristol, PA (George
Baxter - Reprinted with permission) |
Willys M170
Years Produced: 1953-1963
No of Units: About 6,500
Although the M170 is often referred to as the "military version of
the CJ-6," it would be more correct to call the CJ-6 a civvy M170. As
with the M38A1, this new Jeep configuration was developed first for the
military. Only about 6,500 four-cylinder M170's were produced over ten
years, many outfitted as field ambulances. Others were used by the U.S.
Marines as light six-man troop carriers. One unique feature is the
mounting of the spare tire inside the body on the passenger side, to allow
stretchers to extend over the tailgate where the spare would normally be
on a military Jeep. As a result, the unusually large passenger side door
opening is partially blocked, particularly when a jerry can is mounted in
front of the spare. The driver's side door is the same as an M38A1. (Gary
Keating - Reprinted with permission)
Ford-American General M151
Years Produced: 1961-1969
No of Units: Production figures not available...
This series was developed from the late 1950s to the early 1960s and then
built from 1961 to 1969 by Ford and AM General. This vehicle
replaced the M38 and M38A1 with a radically different suspension system
consisting of independent front and rear trailing arms compared to live
axles. In addition, the body was significantly redesigned.
These vehicles were reported to have a higher incidence of roll-overs
prompting the government to design and install a Roll Over Protection
System (ROPS) and seat belts for all units. (Danny Kaiser -
Reprinted with permission)
From Ken: The M151 was delivered to the Military in 1960
(not 1961) and production of the various models was by Ford, Willys,
Kaiser Jeep and AM General (not just Ford and AMG), continuing up to
1984 (not 1969). Thanks Ken! Visit his M151 Site
at: http://members.aol.com/muttguru/muttpage.html
And on the lighter
side - The story goes that the jeep had magical powers and could
evade enemy detection...
The AT-9 advanced trainer was used to bridge the gap between
single-engine trainers and twin-engine combat aircraft. The
prototype first flew in 1941, and the production version entered
service in 1942. the prototype had a fabric-covered steel tube
fuselage and fabric-covered wings, but production AT-9s were of
stressed metal skin construction. The AT-9 was not easy to fly or
land, which made it particularly suitable for teaching new pilots to
cope with the demanding flight characteristics of a new generation
of high-performance, multi-engine aircraft such as the Martin
B-26 and Lockheed
P-38. Although the AT-9 originally bore the nickname
"Fledgling," it was more widely known as the
"Jeep." Four hundred ninety-one AT-9's and three
hundred AT-9A's were built before production ended in February 1943.
The aircraft on display was not complete when the USAF Museum
acquired it. Some of the parts used to restore it were taken from
another incomplete AT-9, while other parts had to be built from
"scratch" by Museum restoration specialists
Span: 40 ft. 4 in.
Length: 31 ft. 8 in.
Height: 9 ft. 10 in.
Weight: 6,062 lbs. loaded
Armament: None
Engines: Two Lycoming R-680-9s of 295 hp. ea.
Crew: Two
Cost: $34,900
Serial Number: 41-12150
C/N: 362
Maximum speed: 197 mph.
Cruising speed: 173 mph.
Range: 750 miles
Service Ceiling: 19,000 ft
Source: Wright-Patterson
Air Force Base
For additional information on each of these vehicle types as well as other
military vehicles, I highly recommend purchase of "Standard Catalog of Military Vehicles, 2nd
Edition" The author is David Doyle.