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Event: Muster Day
Date: 04-Oct-03
Location: Camp Mabry, Austin Texas
Description: This was almost an after-thought for me since I attended the Gonzales Come and Take It parade earlier in the day.  With a few hours of daylight left, I decided to head over to Camp Mabry and see what was going on.

I arrived and passed the checkpoint then found my way to a good spot to unload.  Danny was following me as well and we both headed over to the display area where we parked the vehicles.  Danny headed for the Texas Association of Vietnam Veterans, I headed for the rest of the club vehicles.

Once in line, I chit-chatted with fellow club members, took a stroll around the parade grounds to look at all the really neat WWII stuff including vehicles, encampments, equipment and gear.  After a few hours of that, I made my way back to the club vehicles where Glen V (aka: McGuyver) field stripped his 1903 .45ACP before my very eyes and assembled it in about a minute.  Amazing!

Just before the sun began to make it's decent, I loaded the jeep back on the trailer and headed for the house.  A great, DRY muster day this year.

To assist in reducing download time, Thumbnail pictures are below - simply click on the picture to see an enlarged version.  To return to this page, use your Browsers BACK button.

03musta.JPG (44747 bytes) 03mustb.JPG (29503 bytes) 03mustc.JPG (54395 bytes) 03mustd.JPG (47090 bytes) 03muste.JPG (37916 bytes)
Danny's M151A2 at the TAVV display The club lineup A nice display for Military Police Nice display of German gear and equipment
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The Allied obstacle course The armor lineup Nice little Steward M3 Jeff, John, Jeni, Tim and Jeff H John and his MB


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